Painting with Polymer Clay

Is making jewelry from polymer clay the best way for me to be creative? If we don't experiment with alternatives, how will we know? How can I use polymer clay to create paintings? This blog explores my attempts and growth in a technique of applying clay to canvas. There was no class or written information that I found so I just started. I'm showing my newest 'paintings' first so that you can see the changes in style and technique. Monarchs The beginning of the Monarch Painting Painting the background of the canvas helped me define the movement of the grasses and the lighting. I wanted to feel the low sun coming through the grasses while the butterflies took flight. I also wanted to show a cocoon and give the impression of beginning pods of grass (at the lower edge of the canvas). This piece is to be a part of the fall 'Changing of the Colors' at The Prescott Art Market in September. The color scheme and size...