
Showing posts with the label willpower

Small Bundles to Share in the New Year

It’s the New Year!   Instead of listing all kinds of resolutions or none at all, I’ve decided to share my goals for this year….     I will have fun doing whatever I am doing. I will experiment with new techniques and share them. I will exercise my willpower by enjoying and sharing small successes. Recently while listening to NPR, I heard Roy F. Baumeister talk about his new book, “ Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength ”. Recent research suggests that we might look at willpower as a muscle, exercising it and building it by achieving success in small things. Enjoying the small successes will make it easier to tackle bigger challenges and have success with those.   That made a lot of sense to me. In fact, I’ve used that technique in time management. So this year I will see how I can break down the things I want to accomplish into small bundles. I’ll be able to enjoy the success more easily and build up my will power muscle!   And of course pa...
It’s the New Year!   Instead of listing all kinds of resolutions or none at all, I’ve decided to share my goals for this year ….   I will have fun doing whatever I am doing. I will experiment with new techniques and share them. I will exercise my willpower by enjoying and sharing small successes. Recently while listening to NPR, I heard Roy F. Baumeister talk about his new book, “ Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength ”. Recent research suggests that we might look at willpower as a muscle, exercising it and building it by achieving success in small things. Enjoying the small successes will make it easier to tackle bigger challenges and have success with those.   That made a lot of sense to me. In fact, I’ve used that technique in time management. So this year I will see how I can break down the things I want to accomplish into small bundles. I’ll be able to enjoy the success more easily and build up my will power muscle!   And of course part of enjo...