Windows and Doors and Job Hunting

A friend of mine is looking for a new job. I imagine all of us have friends or maybe ourselves looking for jobs. After having coffee with her, I thought about the many times I started over due to a store closing or downsizing or moving. I was reminded of my photos of windows and doors. Windows have so many shapes and sizes and so many things on the other side. They remind me of opportunities, dreams, and stories. I can always make up stories about what I could do or what someone else has done or should do. For me windows are the possibilities. Doors on the other hand require action. Do I want to go through that one? Am I prepared for what is on the other side? Can I walk out again? What if I pick the wrong one? What if someone closes it and won’t let me in? Job hunting was always a little scary, unsettling, depressing, overwhelming and discouraging. ...