Nature Through My Eyes
There are so many amazing things in nature that we seldom really pay attention to and I’ve decided to highlight one each Tuesday. Please let me know if you enjoy this kind of post! While going through my photographs today, I stopped at my folder of dragonflies and damselflies. They fascinate me with their fast wings that are so sheer. There are so many kinds and so many colors. And even though the general shape is the same, there are many differences. Dragonflies have multi-faceted eyes and two sets of wings with an elongated body. They hold their wings away from and perpendicular to their bodies when they are resting. Damselflies (doesn’t that remind you of fairy tales?) hold their wings close to their bodies when at rest and they are generally smaller than dragonflies. Another difference is in the eyes. The damselfly eyes are set apart and the dragonfly eyes touch. Who would have thought you had to look that closely...