Lace and More Lace

Not long ago, I cleaned out one of my sewing drawers. I had a lot of pieces of vintage lace. At one time I was going to make wonderful Victorian accessories but that time has passed. Ashley Spicer is a friend who is so talented, the creativity just drips off her fingers! She makes fabulous children’s clothes as well as ‘Elf Coats’ for grownups. She just started making corsets and cuffs and uses recycled fabrics. She was the perfect candidate for my laces. Check her out at My cousin, Sally, lives in San Angelo and we share our love of art and living often. When I told her I gave my laces to Ashley, she said, “You photographed them first didn’t you?” Hmmm. Well NO I had not. It seems Sally does a lot of digital scrapbooking and was drooling over what she thought I had given away with no record. You never know ….. The day I took photo...