Creating a Jewelry Collection

My ‘Silver Bug’ Collection is finished! It contains 11 silver bug jewelry pieces made with silver metal clay (Art Clay, FYI silver clay and one piece Hadar’s Steel Clay) and it has taken close to a year to complete. I do admit I worked on it sporadically! Throughout the process of creating this collection, I took photos and wrote a post about part of it. Today’s post is an overview. Yes, the shape and colors of bugs interest me –mainly dead ones. (Not live ones so much - unless we are talking butterflies) My bug project started as soon as I found some stylized bug stamps at The Art Glitter Co. in Cottonwood AZ. glitter .com/ I ordered some Art Clay silver metal clay and some FYI silver metal clay and started thinking and sketching. I wanted dimension and some sparkle in each of the pendants. For the dim...