My Happy Dance - The Finished Piece

I'm doing the Happy Dance! It's what happens when a completed project looks like the picture in my head! As a designer (interior designer or jewelry designer) I generally have a picture in my head that needs to be translated to paper. It could take the form of a floor plan, a sketch, a collage of ideas. Once it gets onto paper then the 'how to make it happen' stage takes over and eventually the pieces come together. Once the project is complete there is that moment of fear and of anticipation, The question, "Did I get it right? Does it work?"That question is always right there no matter how much research, knowledge and talent has gone into the project. Almost always the completed outcome is within the realm of acceptability. Sometimes I get to do the Happy Dance because it is so close to that picture in my head. Today's post is about sharing the process and the joy in the finished piece with you. My dad was a lapida...