
The Learning Curve

Have you noticed that learning curves vary with content and with age?  I've spent hours learning to set up a scene to take a video and then get the lighting correct.  I've learned to use new software 'Wondershare Filmora' (which by the way is really good software for putting text and music to a video).  Since it is new to me, it has taken more hours.  And then when I got the video like I wanted it, I had to get it in a format to put in my blog (Filmora helped with that).  I had to put it on YouTube first.   Lots of learning with a big learning curve.  I think my age may have something to do with all that or it could be I'm just determined!  Why did I make the video?  Good Question!  My new jewelry collection is coming to on October 25.  I wanted to learn to make a video and this seemed like the perfect time.  A little teaser for everyone to get excited about the jewelry!  This first video came out close to my idea of  'Let the G

Using Rock Formations As Inspiration For Copper Cuffs

Perfect time for a fall road trip and going to Southern Utah seemed like a great idea.  Got the map and planned the trip to several places - some we've visited and some new.  At each of the parks. reserves and monuments, my eyes went to the rock formations.  They were very different in each of the places.  And yes, I took lots of pictures and it will take me a while to edit them for viewing.   When we returned home I simply had to let the formations inspire me.  What better medium to use than copper and what better technique than foldforming?  So I'm sharing my rock formations and the copper cuffs I made.  Just enjoy them!

Three Bowls

This week I've been seeing many small polymer bowls being made and not to be outdone, I've made my own.  I started to look for a tutorial on making polymer bowls and there are several but I decided to make them my way!  There is a movie at the end of this blog showing both sides of the bowls.    polymer canes I have a small 4" dia porcelain bowl I used for the basic form and selected some of my finished polymer clays.  There are small to large canes in a variety of patterns.  I think this is a great way to use my old canes.  I wanted to see the same pattern on the outside and the outside of the bowls.  And I wanted my frogs that have translucent clay surrounding them to stand out.  When you pick up the bowl and look through it, two of the bowls remind me of stained glass. The difficult part was finding the correct thickness to cut the polymer.  Too thin makes a very flexible bowl.  Each of these three bowls are different thicknesses.  The yellow one is the

Safari - Then and Now!

My Photo from My Safari in Tanzania - 2007 I saw the following article on the AFAR (my favorite travel magazine) website and thought how  much fun it would be to compare my 2007 safari packing list to this list from 60 years ago. My Journal entry: July 8 Pre-planning: Our trip starts September 8 2007 and we are concerned about the 35 pound weight limit per person. I bought a piece of luggage that weighs 5 pounds. These 35 pounds includes my backpack which will have my camera and lenses, journal and some basic items we may need if the luggage is lost. My backpack is 17 of the 35 pounds. My list: 1 pair sandals-leather, 1pr flip flops, 1 roll toilet paper, blue windbreaker, nightie, bra, 4 camisoles, 5 pr socks 6 pr undies, 2 pr cargo pants, 3 long sleeve shirts, a fold up pack for dirties. And of course in my backpack: my Art Kit! an envelope book that fits into a vinyl zippered bag. It will have some small cut paper to use for sketching and writing, markers that are slow to d

Realizing What Really Is Important

Sometimes it takes a catastrophe to make us realize what really is important.                    Letting my everyday frustrations pile  and allowing my tendency to jump into projects that are at the far edge of my skillset caused some angst.   I made an overlay ring that went fairly well other than getting the silver too hot so the ring band is no longer symmetrical.  The good news is that it fits and if I don't let anyone see it closely it won't show and I like the texture caused by too much heat.   The overlay silver cuff class I took was a huge stretch for me.  I got most of the design sawed out in class but that was all.  'Ok' I said, 'I have everything at home and I can finish this there'.  When I got home I worked for 2 days to get the two pieces of silver to solder. It should have taken 15 minutes maybe.  At the end of the second day, I realized that the solder tip I was using was too small and when I changed to the next size with more heat