Tangents with Polymer Clay

A couple of weeks ago, I took Patrik Kusek’s Warm Connections Class with Craftcast  http://www.craftcast.com/classes.  I’ve been trying out some of his techniques for combining silver metal clay and polymer clay. 

Several years ago I took Lisa Pavelka’s https://www.lisapavelka.com/Gallery.asp  classes at Art Unraveled http://www.artunraveled.com/  and learned just enough about polymer clay to think I could do anything!  I made a large mirror frame for a client out of copper polymer and incorporated beads and copper braid.  It turned out to be about 42” x 54”.  The frame was made with many (I mean many) pieces of 3” x 4” copper ruffles glued to a wood frame.  The client still has it and I still remember my friend Phyllis working with me to make more ruffles. 

Polymer Clay Mirror Frame
I still have some of that clay plus a lot of other colors.  It takes a lot of conditioning to make it pliable but it works!  It also took a couple of hours to clean the pasta maker before I started on Patrik’s projects!  Seems I did not clean it well after the mirror project.  I’ll certainly be more careful about the cleaning from now on. 
Patrik is an excellent teacher and having the videos to refer to helped.  I made the silver clay pendant with a design on the back and the front would hold the polymer clay.  I made the canes and filled the circle as directed.  The silver, copper and purple clays blended together beautifully.   Yes, I was happy and baked (or cured) the polymer clay, sealed it and finished the pendant.

I had several small piles of purple, silver and copper polymer clay lying on my work bench.  I just had to use it!  I blended it and added pieces of the cane.  A bracelet! I wanted to make a bracelet and made rectangles.  I made beads, a focal tube and pieces for earrings.  I realized I was on a tangent that just had to get finished. 


  1. Fun post. Sounds like you had a great time! Have you tried the new Crystal Clay yet? I bought some in Tucson and can't wait to try it. Nunn Designs has a video project on YouTube I want to try. Back to making flowers!


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