Let's Take a Road Trip

One nice thing about being retired is the ability to say, “Let’s take a road trip!”  This one was a short two day trip to Lake Havasu AZ.  There was a Nutting’s Flycatcher, a Lesser Black-backed Gull, Black Scoter, White-winged Scoters and a Surf Scoters lurking around the area.  Yes, they are all birds and we like to track them! 

We left early one sunny morning and drove the back roads for about 4 hours looking for birds as we talked about life.  We were looking for Planet Ranch Road is a primitive bumpy dirt road that had survived two big storms.  Don’t take campers on it!  My 4-runner was a good choice for finding the elusive Nutting’s Flycatcher.  We think we saw it….but to a birder that statement means little.  Birders have to really get a good look at the shape, the color, the field marks and they are delighted if they get a picture.  Well we think (maybe) we saw the bird!

There were scenic hills with caves that made me wonder who or what lived in them; splits in the rocks with plants growing out of them and holes in the rocks where you could see the sky on the other side.

The riparian area along the road was beautiful with the sun shining through the lacy leaves.  That’s the part I love about birding.  Sure, it is great to see the birds but experiencing the colors and shapes of nature is why I’m really participating.  And I get to take pictures and be with Peter in nature! 

 This trip was not all that productive finding the elusive birds.  Weather was lovely and the National Wildlife Refuge had many ducks including two pair of Barrow’s Goldeneye - Eye candy for birders! 
Barrow's Goldeneye
We also drove across London Bridge.  I’m always a little disappointed that there are no English pubs and that the area really does not look at all like London.    We had a great meal at Casa Serrano’s restaurant.
Lake Havasu
On the way home, we went to Parker Dam and stopped for the wild burros.  Too cute!
Parker Dam

Wild Burros
Road trips are full of adventures and surprises.  We’ll have another soon!


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