Last week I shared my unfinished Sea Story with you. This week shows the finished piece. You will see some of the photo tips I learned from the photography class used on the pictures here! (light in front so the details show, etc) When silver is fired in the kiln, it looks white because the molecules are standing up. When it is brushed the molecules lay down and it looks silver. I brushed the 'Sea Story' with a wire brush along with 3M wheels to make everything silver. Then I waited for my Jool Tool to arrive! When it arrived I ripped open the package, put it together and then watched the DVD! This tool is going to be so much fun! Things I realized about the Jool Tool after it arrived: .A vacuum system is needed! Of course I set it on the counter to try it out without any vacuum system. Couldn't wait! and did not realize how having one would be necessary for good health and housekeeping...