Collaboration - sharing knowledge

Collaboration - Wood and Polymer

 Collaborating is a wonderful way of achieving success in producing unusual products and in developing friendships.  Throughout my interior design career I collaborated with my clients as we set out their goals for the projects.  I collaborated with many craftsmen and artists to develop those goals into finished products.

After my retirement I realized I could use those same skills to work with other artists and craftsmen in creating art.  

before finishing and insetting polymer 


As my older brother increased his skills in woodworking I wanted to see how we could work together. Cynthia Tinapple's  work with insetting polymer clay into wood gave me the idea to combine my brother's wood turning with my polymer art. 

Stroppel cane inset
The success of collaborative work seems to be based on recognition, trust, authenticity and passion.  I knew I would have to learn more about woodworking terms and  my brother Dave would have to learn more polymer language to enable us to really understand each other's requirements.  We both enjoy being recognized for our expertise.   We both are passionate about using our talents and are excited about sharing with each other.  We began the collaboration!

Dave sent me a wood turned vase with grooves cut per our discussions and I created polymer strips made in the stroppel cane  technique.  I cured the polymer after insetting it and mailed it back.My brother lives in Kansas and as much fun as this collaboration was, the shipping was expensive.  We reviewed the process by phone and email.   We decided that I would make more polymer designs, ship those with instructions for him to inset them and cure them.  This process took time, some experimentation and instructions.  

It worked, we were both pleased about creating a new product together.   The reward is an increased respect for each other's passion and our work is showcased in a gallery in Kansas! 

Dave's finished piece

Collaboration is about working together in partnership to create an end result.  It is about listening and sharing.  I had to be willing to explain and share my knowledge while trusting that I was receiving the same from my brother.  It's that way with all collaboration.  One has to be willing to share their knowledge and skills with another.  It's not about giving away secrets but about increasing both parties knowledge and skills while sharing and creating a better product.   The end result is always a better product and a better understanding of your partner. 


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