
Participating in a World Art Project.

My 4 x 4 tile  As any of you who read my blog regularly know, I love working with polymer clay.  50 years ago the company ‘FIMO’ made the first polymer clay in Germany.  Fimo is now world famous and there are also many other companies who make different brands of it. Fimo has 115+ colors and is used in 60+ countries.  As part of the 50 year celebration, The Fimo 50 World Project is under way.  This world project is a way for polymer artists to participate in a collaborative art project that will benefit charity.  It works this way:  an individual polymer artist makes a unique 4” x 4” tile that is sent to a central site.  The tiles will then be placed on a large scale sculpture symbolizing the earth.  Once the ‘Fimo World’ is finished, it will be dismantled and each piece will be auctioned.  All profits will go to (1) Dr. Ron Lehocky’s Kids Center for Pediatric Therapies and (2) the Samunnat community in Nepal. As I look at some of the tiles that already have been received,

A New Toy Gone Bad

For Christmas, my brother Dave, gave me a 3D Stereo Drawing Pen that we both thought looked like fun!  I waited to try it out until now after watching a couple of Youtube videos.  It came with blue and pink filament and I read the directions, put it together and started to play.   The first thing I made was a pink pyramid with 3 blue flowers and it turned out ok.  I learned how to start the hot filament on paper and then bring the pen up into the air as I pushed the button to release the filament.  It worked great and I realized it would take a little practice to learn to control the pen without making so many squiggles. Tonight I sat down to play again and was in the process of making a blue lizard when I noticed the blue filament was tangled. I let the pen cool down - the tip gets pretty hot as it melts the filament - unplugged the pen and straightened out the tangle.   The evening went downhill after that as the blue filament got stuck in the pen and wo

A Visit to the San Diego Zoo

One day is not enough!  I'm not sure a week would be enough.  The San Diego Zoo is one of my favorite places to visit and my recent trip did not disappoint.  The zoo is huge so you just have to start somewhere. There are metal sculptures tucked among trees and bushes, sitting on logs and posts.  It's a nice contrast with the animals. Exhibits throughout show prehistoric and modern changes in environment and animals.  The habitats for the animals are as 'real' as they can be made given the amount of land available.  I talked to a guide for a while and she explained some of the research the zoo is doing in other countries.  They have a program that helps save the elephants in Africa by offering a living wage to poachers with the understanding that instead of poaching they will help track the elephants and work with the zoo program.  I was impressed with the amount of conservation research they do.  Here are just a few photos for you to enjoy! Family of Sle