The 'Supper Quilt'
  Yesterday, two friends and I went to see "The Supper Quilt" at the Smoki Museum in Prescott AZ.   I don't quilt but I appreciate the creativity and skill involved.  The quilt was supposed to be amazing.....and it was! 
You might like to check out the website and learn more about it.

The back of the quilt was hand dyed in lovely vibrant colors - rust to purples - and the quilter, Don, had a matching shirt.  Nice touch!

Back of quilt

The quilt has 51,816 one-half inch squares forming the picture.  The time, creativity, and skill are remarkable achievements and I'm so glad I was able to see the work.   If you get an opportunity to see it, be sure to take it! 



  1. Thanks for sharing this amazing work, Linda... especially since my chances of ever seeing it at the museum are exactly nil! Yes, I have made quilts in the past, but this is ART. Truly awesome!


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