Cracked Earrings

Sharing my work from Hadar’s class with you is making me remember and document what I learned.  It’s a really good thing!  Details can be so easily forgotten.

 In between assigned projects, I made a pair of earrings from a slab of copper and a slab of brilliant bronze.  When you really look the top layer of one earring is plain copper and the back layer of the other is textured bronze.  The pieces on the top layer started out as a single shape and I cut them to look like cracked mud.  (At least that is what dried cracked mud looks like here in the Southwest). 
Since the two materials have a slightly different shrinkage rate the cracks became a little wider.
After I sanded and fired them, I polished them and made them into earrings.  These were fun and I’ll make other earrings in a similar style.  I also tried my square pliers and love what I can do with them.
This pair of earrings sold before I could get them in my etsy shop!


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