Steel and Copper Hollow Ring

Yet another project from Hadar’s Architectural Jewelry Class!  This is a knuckle buster of a ring and believe it or not it is really comfortable to wear!  Great jewelry armor!
This project was about building a hollow ring using a form.  Indentations for the fingers each side of the ring made it comfortable to wear.  I combined steel and copper to make a ring I love!
I used a stainless steel oval soap for my ring’s form.  Several years ago someone gave me a rectangular piece of stainless steel to use after I cut onions or garlic.  I rubbed it in my hands like soap and sure enough…it took the smell away.  When I saw the oval bar in class, I had to use it! else used a flat stone. 
We put the 4 card thick clay halfway on the form making sure there was a way to slip it or cut it off after the clay dried.  The trick was to make sure the form was large enough to cut the hole for your finger and to cut the hole evenly on both sides so the actual ring portion of clay connected the two sides.  After that was accomplished, the top of the ring was attached and dried.  Then I added the decoration.
I carved the indentations for the fingers each side of the ring adding clay to fill the holes.   Carving away enough clay for fingers was a little scary but worth the effort.  
 After the ring was dry, it was sanded.  I did not have time to fire this ring in class so I brought it home and quickly fired and finished it before I forgot how!
The steel clay was so easy to work with and the steel XT quick fire just takes one firing.  Yea!


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