Into The Forest

Polymer pine cones and rocks in my forest!

I'm participating in an international polymer artist collaboration.  We are all going 'into our forests' and really looking at the organic forms  that abound.  Since the project is international there will be lots of different forest life represented.  (Real things - no fairies or gnomes!) Each of us will make our individual version of things we see in polymer clay (and make at least 10 of each item), send it to the coordinator and a team of artists will create colonies that overlap to create a mural with the theme 'Into the Forest'.  It will be seen November 7 in Pittsburgh PA.  

Pine cones, pine needles, leaves, rocks, wildflowers, tree bark, insects, birds and animals are some of the things I find in my Prescott National Forest.  I'm selecting pine cones and rocks as my contribution and sharing the making of pine cones with you today.  I have a minimum of 8 more to make this month.  Guess I better get busy as they do take a bit of time!

First I took a real pine cone apart to see how it really should be assembled.

Then I made a mold using 2 part Alumilite Mold Putty of the different size petals (I call them petals)

If you really look at the colors of the petals, the end tips are lighter.  I used Premo Burnt Umber for the basic leaf and Premo Raw Sienna for the end tips.


After making a core of polymer, I added the petals starting at the top of the cone.

The cone is ready to cure but I was concerned how the petals would stay separated.  I dusted them with baking soda and set the cone in the baking soda so it would keep its shape as it heated.  When it was done, I rinsed the cone in cold water spreading the petals as they cooled.

The finished pine cone!

Anyone who really knows me knows that I can get carried away with an idea!  If you've read this far, I feel I should let you know that I also made pine needles.  I arranged my fake rocks, pine cones and pine needles out in the real forest and took a picture.  This is the finished group that will be mailed this week.  Enjoy!


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