Follow me as I experiment in creating designs of custom crafted jewelry and daily use items with you in mind. Let's show our individuality!
New Project -Opposites Attract
I've decided to create a color scheme - in this case opposites attract - orange and blue with shades gold! The clay is conditioned and we all get to wait to see what it will become!
Viking knit is the oldest method of chain making and I've become fascinated by it. Once I conquered the single knit, I decided to add beads. I could have googled or asked how it was done but it seemed like something I could just figure out. And I've learned a lot as I proceeded first with tumbled turquoise beads and then with pearls. I thought I'd share a few of the things I've learned. Iif you want a great tutorial on viking knit technique, Trina Ann at has written a clear concise easy to understand tutorial. I highly recommend it. Tumbled tuquoise beads in viking knit I used tumbled turquoise beads in the first viking knit chain and I did not really know what I was doing. But I went right ahead and as it turned out, I liked the end result. Since the beads were irregular in shape there was a random quality to the finished product. During that process, I beg...
It’s been a while since my last post and while I missed writing them, I hope you also missed sharing my adventures! Between a road trip to Berkeley and having painful (very painful) shoulder tendonitis my activities really slowed down. Now I’M BACK! Ready to explore new techniques and have fun. When I see a good tutorial about something new that catches my fancy, I buy it and eventually the day comes when I just have to try it. Staci Louise Smith wrote a tutorial “Gold Rush: The Rustic Crackle Technique” for Craft Art Edu. I loved the pictures of her necklaces and wanted to see what I could do. If you like the crackle effect on my pieces or want to try something new, check out her tutorial on They have good classes on many subjects. When I started following tutorials, I expected my pieces to look like the instructors. That just did not happen and it is not the fault of the tutorial or ...
Joy is hearing the word BENIGN. Peter’s tumors are benign and still need surgery but they are not a crisis. Joy is understanding that each moment is precious and being able to take the time to enjoy it. Joy is finding a pool of water in a dry creek bed. Joy is hearing a friend’s voice when you pick up the phone. Joy is smelling cinnamon rolls baking and retrieving memories of good times. Joy is seeing love when I look in my partner’s eyes. Joy is having the surprise of a rainbow, seeing dew on cactus spines and snow on a tree filled with pink blossoms. Joy is helping someone and learning to accept help in return. Joy is seeing the first crocus peek out in the springtime, the first rays of morning sunshine or the first flakes of snow. Joy is sharing knowledge. Joy is receiving hugs and healing butterflies from someone I’ve never met as well as from my family and friends. Joy is sharing friendship- listening, hearing and speaking...
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