Summer Flowers

'Summer Flowers'

Doing a Happy Dance now that my summer color scheme is finished!  This was fun to create with many possibilities.  I chose to show some of the ways I use polymer canes to create 3-dimensional forms that tell a story.  

I live in the mountains of Arizona and am always looking for wildflowers to photograph.  Their colors and shapes amaze me as they grow along the road, in field or on a hillside of rocks.  They look delicate but obviously they are hardy and withstand wind, trash, off road vehicles, rain and all kinds of other natural and man-made hazards.  I wanted to capture their strength and beauty in polymer. 

Thank you for following the journey in the last 2 posts.  Take a minute and look again at the progress from start to finish! Please leave me comments below with your reaction to my summer flowers.  The 20 x 20 inch canvas will be hanging in The Prescott Art Market all summer.  Stop in a take a look!  Yes! It's for sale!


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