African Animal Babies

African Animal Babies
There is nothing like a baby and that goes for animal babies too.  Moms and Dads take care of the youngsters in the wild by feeding and teaching.  I thought I would share some baby pictures with you.
We were able to see a lion cub encircled by new growth of trees that reminded me of a playpen that gave some protection against predators.

A baby Masai giraffe paraded across the dirt road in front of us.  Not a care in the world. 
He or she was not very old since the umbilical cord was still attached and swinging.  The fluffy pom poms on her head will soon become horns like moms.  We wondered where mom was.

Young zebras stayed close to the adults.  They all needed to be ready to run in case of danger.  When the whole herd runs the stripes make an optical illusion and the predators have a harder time singling one animal out for a kill.

Arriving just after a kill, we watched two lions feast on a zebra.  There was a cub on a hill watching.  The cub was too small to participate but he paced and was learning.  When mom was full, she lay down by a stream and the cub went to her.  The cub licked blood from her face learning how a kill tasted.  Then it practiced looking fierce and imitated a great hunter. 

The Rock Hyrax family was on a ledge in one of the parks.  They stayed close together as you can see!

The Baboons and Vervet Monkeys carry their young under their bodies when they walk.  The baby holds on and is protected by mom’s body.   They clean each other and have a lot of community interaction.

Vervet Monkeys

And the warthog – only a mother could love!
I have a set of 4 blank card of Animal Babies in my shop if you are interested!  They make great note cards and baby cards.
Preview my book "animal faces" for more photos from Africa.


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