Observing the Details - Circles

I love to take pictures.  My Nikon 7000 goes with me most places.  I try to be aware when something catches my eye and find what caused me to stop and look.  Usually it is in the details!

Today I'm sharing some photos I've taken of circles and their many origins.  I keep a file so I can review and many times I use the textures, rhythm, color, lines and themes for my jewelry.  I hope you enjoy the details of these circles too!

Stacked Sewer Pipe

Farm Equipment

Rows of Feathers

Flamingo - the difference is in the details

My Gourd Purse patterned from a flower in circle

Christmas Ornament

Glass Balls
Take time to really see - not just look-at the beauty of the details.  These are circles but more important is what we find within those circles.  Lyrics not just words. Visual poetry.  The details of Life.


  1. Circles within circles, a wheel within a wheel, stars within the universe. Very nice. I like this one


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