Patterns, Textures and Details – Impressions from Africa

Visitng another culture broadens and enriches my view of the world as I try to understand how we are all connected.  I am fascinated by how we are the same and yet so different.  I take lots of pictures of the details, patterns and textures when I travel and bring them home to sort through and absorb.  I let my imagination go to see what I can create that reminds me of my experiences.
I am sharing some of my photos and impressions with you.
At the base of this kopje, there are petroglyphs - ancient paintings from the Masai people.  Animals, maps, and other information left to assist or tell a story to the next passerby.  This rock formation is tall and wide.  The drawings on the rock are about 5 ft. high.

This is a great example of being inspired by nature!  The beautiful crowned crane was the basis for this airplane's tail.   


 The columns of wood are carved by artists to tell stories of native warriors, maidens, and elders.  The color of the wood, the relief of the sculptures and the combination   of textures are powerful.
                                                                   The eyebrow on this thatched roof allows cooking smoke to escape, aids in ventilation, and keeps some animals and birds from coming inside

 Many ceiling had intricate structural patterns that were mesmerizing to view.   The pattern would be interesting to transfer to jewelry!

 These were interesting repetitive patterns - a well cover and a road drain.  Very decorative as well as functional.

And the zebra obviously influenced this artist.  This a a road side restroom!

Lots of pattern and eye candy in the markets!
And lots of people in the markets!  This young man was going to fill up his many containers with water.
 The women's dresses, head wear and jewelry were colorful and a welcome relief to dust crowded conditions.

This lady in blue was selling bananas on the street curb.

Beautiful pattern and printing on this outfit.

As in any city there is a variety of culture and dress as people bustle about their business.
 And in the modern hotels, design reflects the culture with a modern twist!  The stylized elephant is a headboard detail.                                                          Don't forget the essential coat hanger!
The inspiration for design is everywhere.  We just need to look around us and imagine!


  1. Great blog Linda - When Picasso first saw African Art he said (in amazement) "We have learned nothing!". Lately I've been revisiting authentic Pueblo and Anasazi motifs in an effort to escape the Kokopeli cliche.

  2. One of your best. Makes a person want to go there.


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