Nature Through My Eyes - Hummingbirds
We have seen several Rufous hummingbirds on their migration flight this summer. Currently an Anna’s hummingbird has staked out his territory at our feeder. He buzzes any other hummer who even thinks about getting a drink!
We were standing on the very large deck of our accommodations in Tandayapa. There were at least two dozen hummingbird feeders tucked in trees and on posts. The singing was deafening.
All at once, one of these lovely creatures flew into the glass patio door and knocked itself out. Our guide carefully picked it up and held it in his hand as the host went to get sugar water. Gently the guide dripped the sugar water into the bird’s mouth and about 15 minutes later the bird ‘came to’ and flew away. That was one of the most amazing experiences of the trip.
And I’m surprised that the long tailed hummingbird has any tail feathers. They are very long and beautiful and seem like they would get caught often. Apparently not!
Hummingbirds encourage me to pay attention to the details, the colors, the intent, and the need to relax. They spend most of their lives perching!
If you are interested in lots of facts and information about hummingbirds, this is a great site!
I like this one! Pretty birds! George