Giving New Meaning to UPCYCLE!

My first ever ‘Do Over Challenge’ was such fun!  I signed up to participate in Jeannie K Dukic’s 6th Do Over Challenge not really knowing anything about how it worked.  I received a necklace that was very sweet with copper wire connections and pinkish pearls.  It sat on my work space for a couple of weeks while I pondered my next move. 

One day I opened my polymer bead collection and was drawn to the pinkish and green beads.  They really looked good with the pearls.  I found some green crystal beads and a few other contenders.  But when I tried the small striped beads, I knew my combination!  This is the finished product for most of the pearls in the original necklace.

It was the week to finish some of my long term projects.  I kept the wires with the red and green rubber bands from the braces I wore for 3 years.  When they finally came off, I asked the orthodontist if I could have them.  He wanted to know why since almost NO ONE wanted them and I told him I wanted to make a piece of jewelry.  I’d had them so long and they cost so much I wanted to see what I could do with them.  That was almost 6 months ago.   Time to do something with them so I could take the finished piece to my 6 month appointment.

The pinkish pearls and red garnets combine with the two wires.  The upper brace had green rubber bands and the lower brace had red rubber bands.  What was I thinking? After cleaning and brushing the wire, I played with all the components and created a heart that symbolizes 3 years of straightening my teeth, getting healthier and strengthening my fortitude!  At 66 that was no mean feat!

The directions for this challenge were to ‘Use at least 50% or more of the Do Over piece’.  I could add beads/components from my own stash.  I really enjoyed this challenge and think I’ll sign up for another one!  You should try it too! 


  1. I love that you re-used the wire from your braces! Made me giggle but the finished heart is just lovely. An unusual piece with an unusual story.
    I think by adding your beautiful polymer beads to the pearls you really bought the necklace to life.
    Lively re-work.

  2. Wow! Now this is really thinking outside of the box. I love that this piece is so unique and OOAK. You have got to show you ortho this piece. You never know this could be a whole new market.

  3. Great job on the polymer and pearls necklace. Using the rubber bands from your braces is really creative. The heart is beautiful.I bet the orthodontist was surprised.

  4. lol- I think you're the first to upcycle your braces wire, but what a great idea for a piece of jewelry that represents such a milestone for you. Kudos! Love the purples in the poly clay beads too- very pretty. Christie

  5. The problem with pearls is that they're plain. They need something to spice them up. And you certainly found something that did that! You completely changed the character of the original and you're right about the colors...they really work well together. And really did use your brackets and bands! I never thought of saving the ones I paid for, LOL! (Why are such simple things SO expensive?)

  6. I think this is National Freshwater Pearl Day! Great job combining them with the polymer,and the braces wire! that heart is very cute, I must say!

  7. I love the story behind the heart pendant you created, and the fact that you upcycled your braces to make them into a thing of beauty after they did their initial job of making your teeth into things of beauty! And the necklace is really beautiful. This post was a joy to read!

  8. Beautiful Linda, I love the necklace with the polymer bead very pretty and the earrings to match just as pretty. I also love your heart pendant beautiful.

  9. You did a fantastic job reusing Jeannie's piece, and your heart and the story behind it is awesome. Beautiful job!

  10. Great redo! I love the colors! And the dental jewelry original...would NEVER have thought to use the rubber bands... great job and post.


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